
Hi. How do I start this.

Well I’ve always wanted to put up my own blog, you know, write about things that are usually flooding my mind, topics that I love to talk about, issues that I think I know what the solution is, but the problem is I almost too often chicken out, I get lazy asf and yes after a few tries I tend to forget it . But hey what other season’s for a mediocre person choose than new year’s day?  This is the time that most common people often think that they could start up something new . Something that might define them. Something that might bring a change. Well I honestly think I might get bored with this in the long run but I’d take my chances .

2017 … What difference could this year bring to me.

  1.  live more and sleep less.

One thing about me is that I choose not to do things just because of my anxiety that I may not get enough sleep if pursue what I want to do within the day. But then today it hit me. I’m 23 not 7 , I don’t need a solid 9hr. Sleep , 6-7hrs. really more than enough.

Note to self : hunny you need to live within what’s real no matter how much you love playing in your dreams.

2.  Stop being a lazy potato and be fabulous!

Well things tend to be different now that I am a struggling millennial than I was when I was a happy go lucky “kolehiyala”.

Now I prefer comfortable than classy, I don’t do my hair,  don’t pick the right clothes and such the way I did when I was younger , everything seems fast paced now I felt the need to keep up but I  forgot that I also need to take care of myself as well. Guess I’ll make this year my beauty year .

Fingers crossed that I won’t get tired of it half way along the way.

3.  Let go . Let love.

2016 , left a big ugly scar in my heart. People who knows me could tell you why. I struggled for months and is still struggling now  I won’t go on detail why because my pain caused much havoc not just to me but for the people around me as well .

I will leave all the demons back where they belong and I’ll start fresh this year. Its easy to forgive but its hard to forget that’s the brutal fact , but now I’ll do what is less convenient for me to do. This year I will do both. I will forgive and yes I will forget. I shall cast these anxieties away and as cliche as it sounds I will be a better stronger version of my self.

Guess this is a wrap for my first blog.

Yes, hello 2017.

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